The GPS Curriculum Model
Let the GPS Differentiated Curriculum Model guide you to success today, tomorrow and beyond!
Are you wanting to differentiate your curriculum? Looking for a curriculum unit you can start teaching tomorrow? Perfect! The curriculum units at Curriculum Design On-Line are based on GPS: Guiding Pupils to Success™, the Differentiated Curriculum Model created by Dr. T. Roger Taylor.
The units are designed using an integrated, interdisciplinary, thematic approach helping students to understand the relationship among content areas while making connections to global issues, problem-solving, and the creation of new and unique ideas.
Woven together are critical academic thinking skills, ethical thinking skills for character education, and divergent thinking skills so that students become more creative using lateral thinking and not just sequential thinking.
The units build student achievement and generate motivation by connecting the curriculum using media, literature, fine arts, cultural literacy, social studies, science, and mathematics.
Access thousands of curriculum units from any computer or your cell phone anytime. If you are looking for curriculum that you can immediately use with your students, then try Curriculum Design On-Line.
Whether you want an individual membership, which provides you unlimited access, a school building membership, which provides unlimited access for all teachers in your building, or a site license, which provides unlimited access for school districts or educational centers, you will find Curriculum Design On-Line to be a fast and easy way to find Curriculum units just for your students.