Everybody Wants to Rule the World or Navigating the Icebergs of the Cold War.
An Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Thematic, Standards-based Unit on The Cold War. Once WWII had ended, the world was left with only two super powers: the United States and the Soviet Union, both of whom possessed most of the economic, political and cultural power in the world, as well as strong governments with dominant and influential world leaders. These countries would vie for loyalty and support from the rest of the world.
After the war, each country tried to gain allies, and each tried to prove that its form of government, either democracy or communism was the best and most powerful. This political battle precipitated the actual wars in Korea and Vietnam as the U.S. tried to stop the spread of communism to these nations.
In addition to fighting abroad, America was fighting its own battle within as women and African Americans vied for their own power and recognition. As well, countries around the world such as India, Pakistan, Philippines, China and the Middle East were fighting internally in order to define and establish their own independence, power and freedoms.
Our students need to understand the concepts of the Iron Curtain as defined by Winston Churchill and the control of the USSR on Eastern Europe. They also need to appreciate that there was a real threat to the U.S. of an atomic attack and how close the U.S. and the USSR came to war over Cuba. I
Even though our students did not grow up under the shadow of a possible Holocaust or in the dark depths of a bomb shelter, they know terrorism on a palpable level: September 11, 2001. They must know that global terrorism is not a new thing and that these conflicts have resulted in successful resolution. They need to realize that our current global climate can have a peaceful solution that does not necessarily have to include warfare.
After the war, each country tried to gain allies, and each tried to prove that its form of government, either democracy or communism was the best and most powerful. This political battle precipitated the actual wars in Korea and Vietnam as the U.S. tried to stop the spread of communism to these nations.
In addition to fighting abroad, America was fighting its own battle within as women and African Americans vied for their own power and recognition. As well, countries around the world such as India, Pakistan, Philippines, China and the Middle East were fighting internally in order to define and establish their own independence, power and freedoms.
Our students need to understand the concepts of the Iron Curtain as defined by Winston Churchill and the control of the USSR on Eastern Europe. They also need to appreciate that there was a real threat to the U.S. of an atomic attack and how close the U.S. and the USSR came to war over Cuba. I
Even though our students did not grow up under the shadow of a possible Holocaust or in the dark depths of a bomb shelter, they know terrorism on a palpable level: September 11, 2001. They must know that global terrorism is not a new thing and that these conflicts have resulted in successful resolution. They need to realize that our current global climate can have a peaceful solution that does not necessarily have to include warfare.