Curriculum Design Online

Get thee to a nunnery! How to avoid becoming one of Henry VII's six wives or the changing role of the Church during the English Renaissance

  • $5.50

A Thematic Integrated Interdisciplinary Unit in the study of the English Renaissance. Historical periods cannot be rigidly separated from each other, but they can be distinguished. As such, the English Renaissance marked changes in people's values, beliefs, and behaviors. Because of these changes the foundation was laid for the society model that we have today. Learning about the morals and ethics that existed during the English Renaissance, which was inhabited by our forefathers, may generate a "rebirth" of moral ethics and behaviors for today.

Students will be able to identify influences that were rooted in the history of the English Renaissance.

In addition, this unit is important because it meets the following Florida Sunshine State Standards and Benchmarks in both declarative and procedural knowledge.