Global Family Feud Survey says: TANKS for the memories
An Integrated Interdisciplinary Study of the Global Aspects of WWII. World War I was said to be the "War to end all wars!", but it was not. George
Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it." In these days of increasing global interdependence, students
(who will help shape the future of the world) need to examine and understand
the conditions that lead to war in order to make decisions that will foster
peaceful co-existence among the nations of the world.
Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it." In these days of increasing global interdependence, students
(who will help shape the future of the world) need to examine and understand
the conditions that lead to war in order to make decisions that will foster
peaceful co-existence among the nations of the world.