Curriculum Design Online

HIStory and HERstory: A Study of American People

  • $5.50

An Integrated, Interdisciplinary Thematic 8th Grade Biography Unit on Notable Americans and their Contributions in Political, Economic and Cultural Fields From The Past To The Present Thus unit is designed to provide middle school students with the opportunity
to study some of the heroes and heroines of American history. Notables in
our history will be analyzed to help students understand the excellence of
their individual achievements, accomplished in nearly every field of human
endeavor. While these Americans came from diifferent races, genders,
economic backgrounds, and historical time periods, they all found ways to
serve others. This was accomplished through their writings, their inventions,
and their actions which also demonstrated the courage of their convictions.
The students will also examine how these individuals were influenced by the
American political, economic, and cultural systems as they achieved their