In a Atmosphere Far Far Away... Mission: Incredible The Last Chance for Survival Exploration in the New Millenium Who Will Go? You Don't Know! May the Force be With You
An integrated, interdisciplinary middle grades 7-8 unit on the Quo For the Unknowns: A look At Our Future Ecosystems. Human beings have always explored new realms for a variety of purposes - ranging for survival, to the advancement of technology, to mere curiosity seeking. This interdisciplinary/integrated unit is designed to give students a basic understanding of the history and the development of human exploration of so-called endeavors, and the reasons for past, present, and future explorations. We desire to expose students to the relationship and equilvalence between Deep Space and Ocean explorattions so that our students can identify with future exploration and living beyond the environment in which they were born enlighten them concerning man's efforts to improve and expand life.