Oh, The Parks You'll Go From Park Benches to Bench Marks
An Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Thematic Middle School Unit Using City Parks to Explore Social, Scientific, and Humanitarian Issues. Due to the transient nature of Anchorage, students need a sense of community in which recreation and education are inherently linked. In this unit, the parks of Anchorage will be used to teach the principles including:
botany, zoology, ecology, weather, land forms, water, and art. This interdisciplinary unit will provide hands-on, student centered learning in which they become active participants in planning, community issues, politics, science, aesthetics, and economics of the parks of Anchorage.
botany, zoology, ecology, weather, land forms, water, and art. This interdisciplinary unit will provide hands-on, student centered learning in which they become active participants in planning, community issues, politics, science, aesthetics, and economics of the parks of Anchorage.