Strange Fruit on the Southern Tree, Propaganda in South Carolina's History
An Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Thematic, Standards-based Unit on how propaganda shaped the beliefs of South Carolinians in the early 20th Century? The focus for social studies in grade eight is the story of the history of South Carolina and the role that the state and its people have played in the development of the United States as a nation. Students learn about the state's development during colonial times and the growth of the American ideal, which led to the break with England, the rising controversy about slavery, and the Civil War. The study of the rebuilding of South Carolina after the Civil War and the continuing struggle for civil rights and justice waged by the people of South Carolina allows students to see the progress that the state has made and to appreciate the contributions that its people have made to the nation as a whole. This unit in particular focuses on the understanding of South Carolina's development during the early twentieth century. The essential topics in this unit include Prohibition, Child Labor Laws, World War, the Great Depression and the Temperance Movement. Our students need to understand the power propaganda played in shaping the beliefs of South Carolinians during this time period.