The 50s More Than Just a Token of Change
An Integrated, Interdisciplinary Study of the 1950s Although the 1950s are often thought to be a decade of stasis and complacency, it is true that great steps were taken in many areas of life. The
changes that resulted from these strides were, in many cases, not realized within that ten-year period. Indeed, many of these effects are only now being
seen, felt, and understood. This interdisciplinary/Integrated unit is designed
to challenge students to observe the 1950s as a time of change and to
explore what prompted these changes as well as which aspects have
influenced current life.
changes that resulted from these strides were, in many cases, not realized within that ten-year period. Indeed, many of these effects are only now being
seen, felt, and understood. This interdisciplinary/Integrated unit is designed
to challenge students to observe the 1950s as a time of change and to
explore what prompted these changes as well as which aspects have
influenced current life.