The Age of ... Romanticism Tease Me, Squeeze Me, Please Me...(My heart that is.) or In One Era Out The Other!
A Multi Age, High School Level, Interdisciplinary: Integrated Thematic Study of the Romantic Time Period, Through the Humanities. The Romantic period of history is an imaginative, idealistic bridge between the formal elegance of neoclassicism and the more rigid codes of the Victorians. From late l8th to the early l9th century, the characteristics and
attitudes of the age influenced all aspects of cultural development. By
defining Romanticism and examining and evaluating its influences, we can
better appreciate a radical transition that is echoed in such diverse forms
as a child's growing independence or the individualism of the "60's."
attitudes of the age influenced all aspects of cultural development. By
defining Romanticism and examining and evaluating its influences, we can
better appreciate a radical transition that is echoed in such diverse forms
as a child's growing independence or the individualism of the "60's."