The Evolution of Revolution Down The Long and Winding Road To Independence Or...While Thomas May Have Been A Paine, At Least One George Thought He Made A Lot of Sense.
An Interdisciplinary Unit Exploring the American Revolution It has been recognized historically that the youth of our society must be
enculturated to ensure the continuance of our democratic society. With Immigration as high now as ever in our history, that mission becomes ever
more important. In order to achieve this end, young people need to understand America's background. If students are to become participants in our larger society, they need to comprehend its foundations.
This interdisciplinary/integrated unit is designed to give students a basic understanding of the birth of this nation and the sacrifices made and trials
faced by its founders.
enculturated to ensure the continuance of our democratic society. With Immigration as high now as ever in our history, that mission becomes ever
more important. In order to achieve this end, young people need to understand America's background. If students are to become participants in our larger society, they need to comprehend its foundations.
This interdisciplinary/integrated unit is designed to give students a basic understanding of the birth of this nation and the sacrifices made and trials
faced by its founders.