To Do Or Not To Do or What Do I Do? Be? Do? Be? Do? From: If It Feels Good Do It To: Do The Right Thing
An Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Thematic Study of Ethical Dilemmas in 1990's America For Grades 11 and 12. Living in America in the 1990's presents a plethora of ethical challenges and dilemmas. Advances in technology and increasingly complex social, political and economic issues have resulted in difficult choices not heretofore available to Americans. For example, prenatal genetic testing, manipulation and therapies place prospective parents in the position of making significant "changes" to the genetic makeup of future offspring. Unfortunately, little or no focus is placed on probing ethical issues in most schools today. This integrated, interdisciplinary thematic unit is designed to help students recognize current ethical dilemmas, examine these complex issues carefully, and think about the consequences of decisions they may face now and in the future.