United States Citizenship Don't Rock the Boat, baby or don't sink our citizenship
An Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Thematic Unit Touring the National Parks and Monuments of the United States. Being a U.S. citizen is a responsibility and privilege many Americans take for granted. A country needs good citizens. Students need to understand their role in American society and their place in our representative democracy. Thomas Jefferson believed that if we are to be a nation governed by its citizens, it is necessary to be an informed populace. In order to achieve that end, we must teach students what a good citizen is and then allow them to practice the duties and behaviors of good citizenship. It is critical that all students be taught integrity, honesty and responsibility. This unit guides students to make the choices of good citizenship and will help them discover that as citizens they enjoy many privileges that have been won by great sacrifices of their forefathers and mothers. It is important for students to aware of and be responsible for Constitutional principles. This will further allow for Diversity in their thought processes creating a tolerable society if all are educated in this manner.