"What is the city, but the people?" "Our City's Journey . . . Kenosha: A Place Like 'Keno'-where else!!!
An Integrated, Interdisciplinary, Thematic Study of our past, present, and ongoing Kenosha and Bradford High School heritage. This unit will provide opportunities for student created authentic learning in a wide variety of disciplines while acquiring knowledge and comprehension of not only Mary D. Bradford High School's history, but also Kenosha, Wisconsin's history. Once this information is collected and processed, students will use this data base to apply their discoveries in the construction of several products, ultimately culminating in a developed courtyard with gazebo and a corresponding dedication and remembrance day. This unit is not only important because of its natural ties to the content areas, but also because of opportunities to develop moral/ethical/philosophical reasoning. Everyone is a citizen of a community. Each community has been shaped by many factors; geographic, economic, political, educational, and ethnicity. It is important for students to know how their predecessors contributed and shaped their community, understand the evolution of a community, understand and be sensitive to others, and know the importance of being contributing citizens. Finally, completing a unit on Kenosha and Bradford's past, present, and future will enable and foster school spirit, pride, and a sense of community.